Read Before Proceeding
This exclusive content area of Lambda Foot Modeling is an ongoing collaborative effort with models, influencers and content creators across the country.
Deals, contracts and/or agreements were reached between Lambda Foot Modeling and the appropriate creators for the exclusive rights to show their created content under said agreement so as to bear the "Lambda Foot Modeling" logo and be exclusive to this trademark.
Anonymity was given to models who requested it and their names may be fictional for the purpose of protecting this anonymity and their safety on the internet as we take models safety and well being very seriously.
Lambda Foot Modeling is NOT an adult or fetish oriented web site. It is a clean and simple barefoot photography website portraying artistic and casual images and videos of female feet of all ages in normal settings and situations. Nowhere in this site are there depictions of nudity or sexually explicit conduct as described by U.S. Code Title 18, Part I, Chapter 110 § 2256 that describes sexually explicit conduct, actual or simulated; therefore U.S. Code Title 18, Part I, Chapter 110 § 2257 does not apply here.